Author Archives: ecom

code help

This question was asked by

hi, I have a blaupunkt Cambridge cc31 car stereo cassette and have the original code for it as it is on the factory printout slip enclosed in the handbook. but when try to enter code, the correct original code it just wont accept it. it shows cod then I do exactly as in instructions however it just wont work. why? Im happy to use you to do the code, but if I have the original code which marries up with the serial number, surely this will just give me the same! can you help. or has it possibly been decoded or locked needing a reset? appreciate help

From your description I can only draw one of the following conclusions. Either the radio has had some form of repair to it at some stage and the code has been altered, or, the radio has had too many incorrect code entry attempts previously (you only get a few goes at this) and once the radio goes into its codelocked status, its often possible that even the correct number will no longer work without the radio being reset. Or finally, and the most likely on that model, if as a result of your low / flat battery, you have had some form of spark or voltage spike when either jump starting, charging or connecting a new battery, it can corrupt the data inside the radio meaning it may not accept ANY code, let alone the right one.

Anyway, all is not lost, if the radio needs resetting or data reconstructing, we can certainly do this for you, but it does mean sending the radio over to me. Full details can be found here

Dave Watts

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Decode and reset VW Agila PACR08 car stereo

This question was asked by
D. Oakley

I have my daughters car stereo which shoes HELP in the display, the car was bought 2nd hand and no code is available , the handbook advise that the max number of attempts has been used and to consult a workshop. Is this something that you can help with?

So long as its a VAUXHALL Aguila and not VW as stated, then this link should answer your questions –

Dave Watts

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Radio Code

This question was asked by
L. Mc Daid

Hi there I need a radio code for Grundig Vauxhall SC 303 D (C)

Hi,   have just uploaded a code for your Grundig SC303 radio and it can now be accessed via our instant code site – please follow this link and if you have any problems, please let me know

Dave Watts

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2016 Ford KA radio code.

This question was asked by
B J Ockendon

Hi there.
Would you be able to retrieve my radio code ?
The radio is from my 2016 Ford KA. It’s a Delphi B420 LOW. The label on the unit has various numbers of different lengths but nothing mentions “serial number”. Numbers are:
HW VER: 28405899.
SW VER: 051.
PROD DATE: 4015.
ODM No: 2666.
The next two are with “bar codes”
Yours thankfully.
Pat Ockendon.

The Ford KA B420 Low would need sending in to us for a decode – full details can be found here

Dave Watts

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Nissan Stereo PN-2804N

This question was asked by


I have a Nissan Navara and the stereo keeps saying Please INIT

Is this something you can sort???

We can certainly sort out the INIT message on your Nissan PN-2804N – please follow this link for full information

Dave Watts

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Smart fortwo radio decode

This question was asked by
Peter robert B

Can you decode a 2004 smart fortwo (Grundig radio)?
All I can see on your list is the later Renault edition?

Yes, we can certainly decode the Grundig Radios as fitted to the SMART Fortwo, but they will need to be sent to me as they cannot be decoded from serial number. Have a look at this link for the range of SMART radios we have listed and see if you can identify your model and procedure from there

Dave Watts

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Skoda superb 2014 radio repair

This question was asked by
Steven T

Hi, i have just bought above vehicle, i found the radio is stuck on the skoda satellite home screen, then it will swich off and back on to the same screen. Is this something you could help me with?
Thanks, steve

The Boot up screen on the Skoda Columbus is a very common fault and certainly one we can look at for you – full details can be found here

Dave Watts

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Lost radio code

This question was asked by
Brian G

Hi I have just put a Vauxhall brava pickup back on the road but have no radio code. It’s a Grundig 3201 RDS serial no gr1027vo129285 can you help please; Brian.

The Grundig 3201 needs to be sent to us for decoding and full details can be found here

Dave Watts

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This question was asked by
Romain F

Bonjour pouvez vous me trouver le cide de mon autoradio honda s 2000 du à un héritage de mon papa mais pas de code hélas du coup bloqué merci

Full details of the Honda Radio Code services we currently offer can be found here

Dave Watts

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